出现 Plugin "Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack / 中文语言包" was not installed: Invalid filename returned by a server 意思是你安装的汉化包不可被识别,截止到23/7/22 plugins market搜索到的汉化包版本不再能兼容21版本的clion了 解决方法有两个 1.升级你的Clion到最新版本 (注意,升级后的Clion需要注册...
但是,也有版本低的IDE可能会出现问题,例如下面这个提示。 IDEA 安装汉化包失败解决方法(Plugin “Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack / 中文语言包“ was not installed: Invalid filename returned by server) 安装失败的原因 正如提示所言,服务器与idea显示版本不一致。 从根上解决这个问题 进入jetbrains.com官网,...
实质 分享381 eplan吧 超级速度120 求语言包驱动The language resources for zh_CH have not been installed or licensed.Please install a licensed language 想找语言包驱动 不知道在哪 分享回复赞 魔法门吧 贴吧用户_00G63y4 高清魔法门678整合版及灰脸补丁简繁汉化包更新目前有整合版和MM8灰脸的简体和繁体...
() has new signature"问题 LINUX下正确关机命名 linux自建回收站 iptables配置 MySQL创建用户、权限、删除 vim字符串替换及技巧 chmod命令用法详解 宕机是什么意思 开详细错误注意 显示友好的http错误信息 远程桌面mstsc /console(/admin) 的运用 ftp搭建之serv-u 执行lnmp ftp add 报错pureftpd was not installed!
5. All the programs installed on the computer will be made available to you6. Scroll the list of programs until you locate Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64)语言包 - 简体中文 or simply activate the Search feature and type in "Mi...
The capability study was conducted few years ago prior outsourcing and none of interviewees were involved. Thus the statistics figures may not reflect the true 在上述困难结果他们面对。 能力研究进行了少量几年前预先的采购,并且被采访人都不是包含的。 因而统计形象可能不反射真实 [translate] aIf you ...
Microsoft 帮助查看器 2.2 语言包 - 简体中文 is a software application. This page contains details on how to uninstall it from your computer.The Windows version was developed byMicrosoft Corporation.Further information on Microsoft Corporation can be seenhere.Microsoft 帮助查看器 2.2 语言包 - 简体...