Using an industry-leading 9-disk design pioneered by Toshiba, the MG08 Series provides up to 16TB of conventional magnetic recording (CMR) capacity and 7,200rpm performance. The industry-standard 3.5-inch form-factor integrates easily into cloud-scale s
Using an industry-leading 9-disk design pioneered by Toshiba, the MG08 Series provides up to 16TB of conventional magnetic recording (CMR) capacity and 7,200rpm performance. The industry-standard 3.5-inch form-factor integrates easily into cloud-scale s
Using an industry-leading 9-disk design pioneered by Toshiba, the MG08 Series provides up to 16TB of conventional magnetic recording (CMR) capacity and 7,200rpm performance. The industry-standard 3.5-inch form-factor integrates easily into cloud-scale s
Using an industry-leading 9-disk design pioneered by Toshiba, the MG08 Series provides up to 16TB of conventional magnetic recording (CMR) capacity and 7,200rpm performance. The industry-standard 3.5-inch form-factor integrates easily into cloud-scale s
东芝MG08 16TB硬盘参数如下:二、图赏:体格庞大 贴纸上有序列号、生产日期、产地等信息,这块来自菲律宾。背面的PCB板上的电路都在都在内侧,可以有效地保护电容以及芯片。9碟的装度达到了26.1mm,依然在行业标准3.5英寸硬盘约定的厚度范围之内。支持6Gbps的SATA 3.0接口以及12Gbps的SAS接口。三、性能测试:持续...
东芝新mg08确实安..rt,完全没有炒豆子声音,磁头噪音控制的特别好目前半盘 拷入满载也只会嗡嗡转盘片目前噪音只有很偶尔会响一声比较大的“嘎”,不过相比hc系和银河来说是强多了这东西还便宜 也是五年保 感觉放pc里用或者n
TOSHIBA 东芝 DT01ACA系列 3.5英寸台式机硬盘 1TB 32MB(7200rpm、PMR)DT01ACA100 233元起 看百科去购买 TOSHIBA 东芝 MG08系列 3.5英寸 企业级硬盘 18TB(7200rpm、512MB)MG09ACA18TE TOSHIBA 东芝 MG08系列 3.5英寸 企业级硬盘 18TB(7200rpm、512MB)MG09ACA18TE ...
前段在PDD买了块4T全新紫盘,虽然有垂直和叠瓦的争议,但放在极空间Z2S上静音好用。至于另一个盘位,其实是想尝试下同期热度很高的大容量矿盘,奈何一直没碰到值友晒单的好价,直至某天摇出了645的东芝 14T专享价,用9元多多支付券后仅需636元,问了店家说是喜和行货,型号MG08,基本8-9千小时,犹豫再三还是决定冲...
Using an industry-leading 9-disk design pioneered by Toshiba, the MG08 Series provides up to 16TB of conventional magnetic recording (CMR) capacity and 7,200rpm performance. The industry-standard 3.5-inch form-factor integrates easily into cloud-scale s