2016年英语专四听力真题 00:0028:46打开APP 收听完整版 试题、原文、答案:一、试题选项:PART Ⅰ DICTATION [10 MIN]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand ...
3922 英语专业四级听力 by:秋香老师FM 130万 英语专业四级听写200篇 by:大连理工大学出版社 13.2万 英语专业四级单词词汇 by:文化书存 80.3万 英语专业四级听写150篇 by:教书匠MrHuang 2322 英语专业四级 专业八级 听写系列 by:威仔码头Yahweh_W 9039 英语专业四级十年真题核心词汇 by:Maiana 3.9万 英语专四听力...
听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解;听力短文部分包括选择题型的短文理解和复合式听写。因此,小编整理了2016年6月份的四级听力真题,希望能有所帮助。 Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news repor...
你会积极应战还是逆来顺受?这可能部分取决于你周围的人是什么样的。A study found that negative thinking can be contagious in some cases. For example, the researchers studied 103 college roommates. They measured each roommate's tendency towards negative thinking. It was found that thinking patterns ...
2016年英语专业四级听力真题 对话1时间:2017-02-17 19:44:39 编辑:aimee | 可可官方微信:ikekenet 字号:大 | 中 | 小 评论 打印 收藏本文 no support! Conversation One 对话1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on Conversation One. 请根据对话1回答第1题到第5题。 Hello, This is Kate Smith, I'm...
2016年专四真题听力原文 听写ThinkPositive FeelPositive youconfident difficultsituation? Do you react positively answermay depend whomyou're around. studyfound negativethinking can somecases. researchersstudied 103 college roommates. measuredeach roommate's tendency towards negative thinking. thinkingpatterns ...
查看《英语专四听力真题》更多内容>> 保存到QQ日志 登录QQ空间 重点单词 查看全部解释 withdraw [wið'drɔ:] 想一想再看 vt. 撤回,取回,撤退vi. 退回,撤退, 联想记忆 rewarding [ri'wɔ:diŋ] 想一想再看 adj. 有报酬的,有益的 联想记忆 advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ] 想...
2018年12月英语四级考试真题(卷三) 考试| 2020年研究生入学统一考试试题(英语一) 考试| 2020年研究生入学统一考试试题(英语二) 专四: 考试|2019英语专四真题及答案 2018专四真题及参考答案 考试|2017年英语专业四级真题及答案 专八 考试|2019年英语专业八级真题及...
2016年专四听力(听写)答案 Part 1 Dictation Think Positively and Feel Positively Are you confident or insecure in a difficult situation? Do you react positively or negatively? The answer may depend in part on whom you are around. A study found that negative thinking can be contagious in some ...