A:棉花体细胞胚胎发生的流程图;B:5—7 mm大小的棉花下胚轴切段;C:早期愈伤;D:后期愈伤;E:胚性愈伤组织;F:球形胚;G:心形胚;H:鱼雷胚;I:子叶胚;J:再生棉花植株 Fig. 1.Cotton somatic embryogenesis A: Flow chart of cotton somatic embryogenesis; B: 5-7 mm cotton hypocotyl segments; C: Early ca...
图9.不同光质组合对棉花再生苗叶绿素浓度的影响 A:4种不同红蓝配比下再生棉花植株叶片的表型;B:4种不同光质处理下叶绿素浓度的统计 Fig. 9.Effects of different light qualities on chlorophyll concentration of cotton regenerated seedlings A: Leaf phenotype of regenerated cotton under four different red-blue ...
A:4种不同红蓝配比下再生棉花植株的表型;B:4种不同光质处理下对下胚轴成苗数的统计;C:4种不同光质处理下对下胚轴成苗数的统计Fig. 8. Effects of different light qualities on cotton seedling regeneration and plant height A: The phenotype of regenerated cotton plants under four different red-blue rat...
图6.不同光质处理对棉花体细胞胚长下胚轴的影响 A:4种不同红蓝配比下体细胞胚诱导出下胚轴的表型;B:4种不同光质处理下对体细胞胚诱导出下胚轴的统计 Fig. 6.Effects of different light quality treatments on the number of hypocotyls from SEs
1,22,GE XiaoYang2,CHEN YanLi2,DING YanPeng2,ZHAO MingZhe1( ),LI FuGuang2( ) 图7.不同光质处理对棉花下胚轴生根的影响 A:4种不同红蓝配比下生根情况的表型;B:4种不同光质处理下对生根率的统计 Fig. 7.Effects of different light quality treatments on rooting of cotton hypocotyls ...