不同同化方案在台风“白鹿”强降水预报中的应用* ? ? 梁钧怡,王东海,张宇,姚乐宝 1. 中山大学大气科学学院/广东省气候变化与自然灾害研究重点实验室,广东 珠海 519082 2. 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海),广东 珠海 519082 3. 佛山市气象局,广东 佛山 528000 4. 广东海洋大学南海海洋气象研究院,广东 湛...
RAINFALLTYPHOONSHUMIDITYRAINSTORMSTEMPERATUREEXPERIMENTAL designThe WRF model and the GSI assimilation system were used to build an assimilation prediction system regarding problems of data application and forecasting effect between the 3DVar data assimilation and the 3DEnVar(Hybrid)data a...
摘要 基于WRF模式和GSI同化系统,构建了一套同化预报系统,研究常见的两种同化方法3DVar(threedimensional variational)和3DEnVar(three-dimensional ensemble-...展开更多 The WRF model and the GSI assimilation system were used to build an assimilation prediction system regarding problems of data application and ...