sudo apt-get install vim open-vm-tools安装流程 安装open-vm-tools主要用于跨虚拟机和主机之间复制内容并且共享文件,同时open-vm-tools会使屏幕自适应大小 原本想安装VMware-Tools,但是安装时都会建议安装open-vm-tools,哪怕忽略提示仍然安装VMware-Tools,结果往往是安装失败或者无法启动vmware-tools.service,无法实现...
Utilities ---> open-vm-tools #打开适用于VMware的VM Tools
This document will walk you through setting up a development cluster of Swift in a VM. The SAIO environment is ideal for running small-scale tests against Swift and trying out new features and bug fixes. Tests There are three types of tests included in Swift's source tree. Unit tests ...
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