第一fe plugin安装错误 第二freeMem插件版本不正确 。 。 。第三 mybag plugin安装错误 第四HDThighheel :wrong DLL version orDLLnot running。。。第五skyul错误,天际脚本skse未运行。。。第六 moreHUD;SKSE isnot Detected 我已经疯了 来自Android客户端2楼2015-07-18 01:39 回复 Asuka...
Make sure the latest version of SKSE64 is installed and running correctly. [How it works]: Skyrim's physics engine (HAVOK) is designed to run at 60 fps. That's why it normally updates every ~16,7ms (1000ms / 60fps). If your game runs on higher framerates some bugs can appear (...
for that version. Feel free to delete any skse_*.dll files that are not included with the ...
嗯? DLL not running 还问我not running with skse64?当我经历了惊喜→WTF的心路历程之后 发现有mcm...
您可以休眠SKSE Remake:只需在> = 1.2的任何地方休息,即可完全兼容。我建议同时使用这两个模块,以获得真正的“随时随地睡眠”体验。 兼容补丁: Skyrim Souls RE-更新:从Skyrim Soul的文件中获取UIExtensions补丁,您应该已经准备就绪。 兼容小警告: 动画进餐Redux SE版:进餐动画在我的模块处于空闲状态时不会播放。如...
Target = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\skse64_loader.exe ; Test just because things get messy if not right if !FileExist(StartDir) { WellShit() exit } ; Set to Window title (Can be checked by running in windowed mode once) ...
SKSE64 Version 2.0.7 SkyUI (Optional but required to access the features of the MCM) Compatibility: Harvest Overhaul Redone: Yes. Jay33721 confirmed this in the comment section. Many thanks for this. Flora Respawn Fix: Yes. Khumak confirmed this running both through SSEEdit. Thank you fo...
The Skyrim Script Extender(SKSE64) is not running.Skyui will not work correctly!This message may...
重要!此Mod需要最新版本的SKSE64。如果您不了解SKSE64,请查看Gopher的视频 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTGnQIiNVqA 或者前往 http://skse.silverlock.org/ 单击files部分中的Download with Manager按钮下载到NMM。 激活NMM中的mod。 要手动安装,只需下载文件并将文件解压缩到数据文件夹中。
Target = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\skse64_loader.exe ; Test just because things get messy if not right if !FileExist(StartDir) { WellShit() exit } ; Set to Window title (Can be checked by running in windowed mode once) ...