This is mostly based on Enai Siaion's Thunderchild. While I no longer use the mod in my recent playthrough, I still appreciate its improvement to vanilla shouts. Since most of the modern perk overhaul mods enhance shouts by perks, I don't want the shouts to be overtuned and become too...
skyrim paraglider 天际滑翔伞,就是塞尔达荒野之息的滑翔伞。combat gameplay overhaul,无延迟翻滚,更多...
Because this is a design flaw with the combat overhaul, it is recommended to replace it. If you can't or don't want to do this, avoid perks that involve other actors, such as Inspire and Elemental Conflux.The perks Ranger, Quick Shot and Block Runner have no effect: These are vanilla...
※ Kireina天际美化(Kireina Skyrim SE - Human and Elf Facegen Overhaul)更新到v1.1。※ TK儿童...
90 5a YotoHatamonba.esp91 5b zhiyuantizaoKatana.esp92 5c Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp93 5d Open Cities Skyrim.esp94 5e Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp95 5f Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp96 60 notice board - open cities patch.esp 送TA礼物 1楼2017-08-12 07:28回复 ...
新增独特开锁动画(Security Overhaul SKSE) 新增控制台信息增强(More Informative Console) 新增SSE Display Tweaks,修复窗口模式的稳定性和缩放问题,现在窗口模式和全屏模式性能相同 新增Simple Dual Sheath,在双持时可显示左手剑鞘 删除steam成就解锁插件(此功能已被上篇的Engine Fixes接管,默认开启) ...
+动作-现代女性坐姿大修OAR - 随机化Modern Female Sitting Overhaul OAR - Randomized +动作-改进的特殊闲置动画-Improved Idle Laydown Animations - DAR +动作-女性闲置动画 +动作-法杖动画-Goetia Animations - Enchanted Staves +动作-法杖与盾牌收拔动画-Sheathe of Shields and Staves ...
兼容:天际重制版/周年纪念版(包括steam正版)by 天将烽火 视频演示:https://www....
2.2.2.守卫对话大修Guard Dialogue Overhaul 2.2.3.关系对话大修Relationship Dialogue Overhaul 2.2.4.瑟拉娜对话大修SeranaDialogEdit 对话大修三件套,分别对守卫、随从及敌我NPC、瑟拉娜的对话进行了大修,减少了大量违和及不合时宜的对话,并且根据不同的情况增加了新的对话,极大地提高了游戏的沉浸感。 2.2.5.方...
If you use "Vigor Armor System - DT", a balance patch is provided for Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul, since both mods add armor rating for NPCs, it`s not mandatory, but recommended. Thanks powerofthree for Spell Perk Item Distributor, that provided a nice modding tool...