※ 动作刷新工具(Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS)更新到 v7.6。※ 人物编辑增强(Enhanced ...
+I14【人物美化-KS发型】 +I13【人物美化-Apachii发型】 +I12【人物美化-女性表情】 +I11【人物美化-男性表情】 +I10【人物美化-美丽之眼-种族补丁】 +I09【人物美化-美丽之眼】 +I08【人物美化-精灵眼睛】 +I07【人物美化-NPC眼睛】 +I06【人物美化-女性皮肤】 +I05【人物美化-男性皮肤】 +I04【人...
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的我的家就是你的家(MHiYH 2plus) -SSE Mod,由 bchick3制作。cvbanmjk在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: bchick3 Mod版本: 3.1.1 Mod大小: 54.1 KB 更新时间:...
3. Walk across the second floor hall way. To travel back to Skyrim: 1. Talk to Sheogorath. 2. Ask him to "Get me out of here." * This mod is an ESL-flagged ESP. * You can install mid-playthrough. Compatibility: * Not compatible with I'm Walking Here due to dialog teleport bug...
在任务“龙裔”进行中靠近内洛斯原文:“You there... You don't quite seem to be in the same state as the others. Very interesting. May I ask what it is you're doing here?” 译文:“你……你跟其他人的状态好像不太一样。很有趣。介意我问你在这里做什么吗?” ...
在任务“龙裔”进行中靠近内洛斯原文:“You there... You don't quite seem to be in the same state as the others. Very interesting. May I ask what it is you're doing here?” 译文:“你在那儿,你似乎和其他人不一样。非常有趣。你来这里做什么?” ...
transpired. Lilatha took his arm to help him walk, but he 她的帮助。 refused her help with a kind smile and a shake of his head. “Were you ... successful?” she asked. “你……成功了吗?”她问道。 “The Daedra princes I spoke with have agreed to our terms,” ...
oneto do the Emperor in. I've already killed his son, and 掉他的儿子了,你也看到我能很好地隐藏自己。我猜你刚才连挂毯上的一点波纹 yousaw there how well I can hide myself away. Tell me you 都没看见。” sawone ripple in the tapestry.” ...
上古卷轴5任务代码大全.pdf,主线任务部分 一、逃出海尔根 任务代码:mq101 阶段数值: 进入要塞(跟随拉罗夫逃入一个塔楼)30 跟随哈达瓦或拉罗夫进入海尔根要塞 50 在箱子中找到一些装备 60 搜查 Gunjar 的尸体 65 可选任务 在木桶里找到一些药剂 70 可选 撬开牢笼的锁 75
transpired. Lilatha took his arm to help him walk, but he 她的帮助。 refused her help with a kind smile and a shake of his head. “Were you ... successful?” she asked. “你……成功了吗?”她问道。 “The Daedra princes I spoke with have agreed to our terms,” ...