这房子一看就知道是个死灵法师的窝点,只不过前任屋主(也可能只是和玩家一样的闯入者)已经扑街在中间了。 往里走会触发这个房屋的任务,需要注意的是,任务一旦触发就没法离开这个屋子了,除非你搞定它。当屋里色调开始变化,杂物漫天飞舞的时候,不要害怕。先按照指引去看纸条,然后按照图1的顺序拿掉火把,注意火把是带名...
2. Bow of Shadow 阴影之弓 跟雪漫城管家聊天开启这个任务, 他会给你一份管家的笔记阐明最近针对八姑父的刺杀的内情. 整个任务算是比较简单的,武器自带隐身效果, 算是前期不可多得的神武器之一(钳工流最爱了)。 3. Dreams of the Dead 亡者织梦 这个任务剧情还是蛮有意思的, 就是看日志,完成相关的操作,房...
Dreams of the Dead 亡者之梦 亡者之梦 Drowned Sorrows 借酒浇愁 借酒浇愁 借酒浇愁 Dungeon Delving (Bandits) Dungeon Delving (Bandits) Dungeon Delving (Bandits) Dungeon Delving (Caves) Dungeon Delving (Caves) Dungeon Delving (Caves) Dungeon Delving (Jarl - Caves) Dungeon Delving (Jarl -...
法师学院分散在各个塔楼里也有不少,独孤城蓝色宫殿 第三,附魔注意,装备fm潜行最值钱,武器驱散魔人(前期无法获取)驱散不死生物,吸取生命,耐力损伤(这三个 154 上古卷轴吧 无限紫氲 老哥们dreams of the dead火把拔哪几个啊 分享201 上古卷轴吧 yyer二哥 上古卷轴十周年天际全人物npc介绍简单翻译按照字母开头顺序...
the flavor of her dreams, so full of blood and celebration. 反差, 那血腥盛宴似乎停留在脑海深处。 For a few moments, she simply stared at the ceiling, trying 有好一会儿, 她只是盯着头顶的天花板,尝试着整理清楚她混乱的 to sort through her visions. ...
the flavor of her dreams, so full of blood and celebration. 反差, 那血腥盛宴似乎停留在脑海深处。 For a few moments, she simply stared at the ceiling, trying 有好一会儿, 她只是盯着头顶的天花板,尝试着整理清楚她混乱的 to sort through her visions. ...
Inform theJarlofWhiterunabout the dragon attack onHelgen.Quest Giver:HadvarorRalof Location(s):Riv...
asI had already gone to the trouble of putting one of my 你要怎样让我相信一个已经死亡的女人给我,信中提到的,更大的报酬能安全 agentsin the palace. Why should I assume that your more- 送到我手上呢?” than-generouspayment, from a dead woman, will arrive?” ...
interestin seeing him?” asked the Night Mother with 危险。 venomoussweetness. “Hebrings a letter from the late Empress of the Cyrodilic “他带来了一封来自塞洛蒂尔帝国已故皇后的信件。” Empire.” “Weare having a busy day,” she smiled, clapping her hands ...