摘要: The most difficult problem in constructing the anti-parallel-connected reversible converter is how to deal with the circulating current. Converter 1 and 2, which operates as a rectifier and an inverter, are often kept conductive simultanously in order to respond quickly to the reversing ...
0V~1026V DCのDC-Link 電圧を誤差±1%の精度でセンシング • 較正済みの電流測定誤差は±0.5%,±50Aを超える FSR,温度範囲-25℃~+85℃ • 消費電力の低い,強化された絶縁アンプにより,ゲート・ ドライバのブートストラップ・コンデンサの単純なLDO から電力を供給可能 • DCバス...