想起三民主义。许渊冲老先生的翻译一向精准优美:“of the people, by the people, for the people”。【转发】@南方周末:#三码下线后如何保护个人信息#【通信行程卡今日下线:#三码退出使用后数据应尽快全部销...
of the people,by the people, for the people00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 招聘-BOSS直聘-企业版登录入口 招聘,BOSS直聘企业版,快速帮助企业解决招聘难题, 招聘/招聘网站/找工作求职/就上前程无忧! [前程无忧51job]高薪招聘信息/专业人才招聘网站/海量职位信息/快速投递简历。 全军文职人员招聘网军队文职报...
第一次知道许渊冲是英语老师讲三民主义的翻译,Of the people, by the people, for the people 当时老师高度评价翻译得巧、翻译得妙,后来又遇到 To face the powder and not to powder the face 拍案叫绝,再后...
(The government) of the people, by the people, for the people (will never die). 有人就译成:(这个)民有、民治、民享(的政府永不会消失)。 从这里看到,英文的原文非常精练,含义也比中文译文更深刻。 三个介词生动地体现了这个政府的性质: of:表归属,说明政府属于人民所有,而不是人民属于政府所有; by...
①他是一个对翻译充满热情的老人,是目前中国唯一能在古典诗词和英法韵文之间进行互译的专家。他用一生的时间追求梦想,不时有一些狂妄之举。 ②他从小就对英语产生浓厚的兴趣,立志成为翻译家。考入西南联大外文系后,出于对梦想的执着,他冲劲儿十足。他每天起床的第一件事,是用英语写日记,...
Democracy, the second principle, advocates for the establishment of a democratic government where the power lies with the people, ensuring their rights and freedoms are respected and upheld. The third principle, the people's livelihood, focuses on improving the quality of life for all citizens, ad...
三民主义的英文:Three Principles of the People参考例句: "The Three People's Principles( Nationalism, Democracy and the people's livelihood)"三民主义 "It is unrealistic for the so-called ""Three People's Principles to reunify China."" "所谓〞三民主义统一中国〞,这不现实。 His ``Three People'...
The Three Principles of The People Are The Principles For Our National Salvation Sun Wen Gentlemen: I have come here today to speak to you about the Three Principles of The People. What are the Three Principles of The People? They are, by the simplest definition, the principles for our nat...
就是美国前总统林肯底主义,也有与兄弟底三民主义符合底地方,其原文为The govenment of the people,by thepeople,and forthe people。这话苦于没有适当底译文,兄弟把它译作“民有”、“民治”、“民享”。ofthe people就是民有,by the people就是民治,forthe people就是民享。他这“民有”、“民治”、...