七年级英语上册unit1makingnewfriendstopic3howoldareyousectionc课件(新版)仁爱版.ppt,* 七年级上册 Topic 3 How old are you? Section C 本节知识要点 复习上节所学句型 阅读理解与训练 学习新句型 What are these/those? They are… Are these/those…? Yes, they are.
七年级英语上册Unit1MakingNewFriendsTopic1WelcometoChinaSectionD课件(新版)仁爱版.ppt,* 七年级上册 Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section D Review:完成下列对话 A: Hello. ___ you Maria? B: Yes, I ___. A: Nice to___ you. B: ___to meet you, ___. A:
七年级英语上册unit1makingnewfriendstopic2whereareyoufromsectionb课件(新版)仁爱版.ppt,* 七年级上册 Topic 2Where are you from? Section B Review the dialogues What’s your name? My name is … Where are you from ? I’m from ... Where’s she from ? She/ He
七年级英语上册Unit1MakingNewFriendsTopic2WhereareyoufromSectionA课件(新版)仁爱版.ppt,* 七年级上册 Topic 2 Where are you from? Section A Review the dialogues Ask students to act out in pairs Learn What's your name? My name is... Is she Jane? Yes, s
河南省洛阳市下峪镇初级中学七年级英语上册《unit 1 making new friends topic 3 what class are you in?section b》课件 (新版)仁爱版 A: Hello, I am Kangkang. What’s your name? B: My name is Lily. A: How old are you? B: I am fourteen. A: What class are you in? B: I am in...
河南省洛阳市下峪镇初级中学七年级英语上册《unit 3 getting together topic 1 does he speak chinese?section a》课件 新版)仁爱版.ppt,Unit 3 Getting Together Is Janes Chinese good or poor? Report like this In Group One, we all like English. We each have an E