七下西洋的英文通常被翻译为“Seven Voyages to the West”或“Zheng He's Voyages to the West”。这两种翻译都准确地传达了郑和七次远航至西方(相对于当时的中国而言)的历史事件。其中,“Seven Voyages to the West”更侧重于描述航海的次数和方向,而“Zheng He's Voyages to the...
a明初郑和七下西洋,在刘家港启航停泊,沟通太仓与东南亚各国文化交流,并留下碑文、实物、著作等历史性重要文物。 Beginning of Ming dynasty Zheng He seven the Western world, sets sail in the Liu Jia port to anchor, communicates Taitsang and the Southeast Asia various countries cultural exchange, and ...
Zheng He's seven voyages to lead the team 正式历史上的英文载:Ming treasure voyages
英文 :During the Ming Dynasty, the navigator Zheng He led a fleet to the West seven times.
a郑和七次下西洋,哥伦布对美洲大陆的发现和麦哲伦的环球航行,都与指南针的应用分不开。 The Zheng He seven under Western world, Columbus to the Americas mainland discovery with Magellan's round the world navigation, all cannot separate with the compass application.[translate]...
a郑和下西洋时,中国的造船技术是世界一流的,但几千人的船队七下西洋,不过为了宣示明王朝的“富有与强大”。当麦哲伦的船队环游世界时, 当西方人使用中国发明的指南针、火药入侵我们时,我们想到的竟然是在大海边再造一处万里长城,思维的守旧,缺乏创新和探险精神由此可见一斑。 Under when Zheng He Western world,...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现正版包邮 郑和七下西洋(真正的航海英雄辛巴达)(英文版)(精) (美)唐·莫雷尔 五洲传播出版社 9787508546131传记的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于正版包邮 郑和七下西洋(真正的
郑和带领团队七次下西洋 普通直译:Zheng He led the team to the West seven times Zheng He's seven voyages to lead the team 正式历史上的英文载:Ming treasure voyages
郑和下西洋的英文资料如下:Zheng He's voyage to the West was a voyage between Yongle and Xuande in Ming Dynasty. The first voyage started in Yongle three years (1405), and the last voyage ended in Xuande eight years (1433), totaling seven times.Because the mission was being ...