以下是丁真联合国演讲稿的英语版本: Ladies and Gentlemen, Hello everyone. Today, I am very honored to be here at the United Nations to share the story of my animal friends. As a Tibetan, it is a great pleasure for me to be able to come to this prestigious organization and talk about my...
2021年,丁真受邀参加联合国可持续发展目标青年领袖论坛并发表了演讲。以下是丁真联合国演讲稿的英语全文及解析。 一、丁真的简介与走红背景 Ding Zhen,a Tibetan youth from Ganzi, Sichuan province,became an internet sensation in 2020 due to his distinctive appearance and honest personality.His rise to fame ...
4月22日是世界地球日,在节日前夕,丁真被邀请参加联合国“捍卫自然”的活动。当天丁真一身黑西装亮相,简约帅气大方得体,感觉这个少年长大了不少。丁真用普通话演讲 丁真演讲的主题是“我和动物朋友的故事”,他最好的动物朋友就是小马。演讲之前,丁真拍摄了一组他和马的黑白写真大片,颜值气质不输男明星。丁真演...
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