一行禅师的《How to fight》,正念、禅修、情绪管理和活在当下,与自己的身心灵更好地相处。文字凝练、易懂,却有滋养精神世界的无尽能量。 作者简介: 一行禅师(Thich Nhat Hanh),1926年出生于越南中部的广治省。16岁出家,23岁受具足戒。1962年前往美国普林斯顿大学钻研比较宗教,越战期间返乡从事和平运动。后旅居法国,...
I have made the situation worse. It is not my intention to make you suffer, my son. Maybe I am not skillful enough. Maybe I try to impose my ideas on you and I make you suffer. In the past I thought you
莱莱__创作的个人成长有声书作品一行禅师How to fight,目前已更新62个声音,收听最新音频章节61.One arrow can save two birds。PracticesforPeaceandReconciliation和平和解的练习
There are moments when we feel lost, we feel confused, we don’t know what is the right thing to do. To fight back or not to fight back? To say something or not? To leave or to stay? We are confused. The best thing to do in that moment is to stop and go home to yourself w...
📖 How to Fight. 一行禅师 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: 除了幸运,一无所有😊🍀 更多a 微关系 她的关注(96) 曹老师寻宝记-元懋翔曹荻明 御风司水梁美丽 他塔拉 人民网 她的粉丝(...
DON’T FIGHT WITH ANGER Any peace talks should begin with making peace with ourselves. First we need to recognize our anger, embrace it, and make peace with it. You don’t fight your anger, because your anger is you. Your anger is the wounded child in you. Why should you fight your...
how to fight 一行禅师 A PAUSE 2023-01-18 08:16:1901:41 93 所属专辑:肉肉酱陪你读书看报 喜欢下载分享 声音简介《A PAUSE》【1】A PAUSESuppose someone just said something unpleasant to you. Their words and the sound of their voice give you an unpleasant feeling.You believe they are trying...
to be aware of what is going on in the present moment. It is like warm air coming into a cold room. Mindfulness does not fight anger; it recognizes it and says hello. “Breathing in, I know that anger has manifested in me; breathing out, I smile to my anger.” This is not an ...
所属专辑:How to fight - 一行禅师 音频列表 1 Ch9 Listening to others 77 2023-01 2 Ch8 Don't fight with anger 73 2023-01 3 Ch7 Killing anger 63 2023-01 4 Ch6 Countless obstacles 95 2023-01 5 Ch5 Don't run away 58 2023-01 ...
一个婆罗门问佛陀:“师父,有什么是你愿意杀掉的吗?”佛陀回答说:“是的,愤怒。消除愤怒可以消除痛苦,带来和平与幸福。”我们对愤怒微笑,温柔地抱着它,深入了解它的根源,用理解和同情来改变它,从而“杀死”它。 佛陀的回应给他留下了深刻的印象,于是他出家了。当他的堂兄得知此事后,就当面骂了佛陀。佛陀只是微...