Sub 表で置換() Dim 最終行 As Long Dim s(1) As String Set 置換するブック = ActiveWorkbook OpenFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("xlsふぁいる,*.xls*") Workbooks.Open OpenFileName Set 置換辞典 = ActiveWorkbook 最終行 = 置換辞典.Sheets(1).Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).row For i =...
Dim i As Long For i = 2 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Cells(i, 4).Value = Asc(Cells(i, 1).Value) If isSJIS(Cells(i, 1).Value) Then Cells(i, 6).Value = "Shift_JIS" Else Cells(i, 6).Value = "環境依存" End If Next End Sub Function isSJIS(ByVal argStr As...
複数のdocファイルをループ Dim doc As Document For Each doc In Documents ‘任意の処理 Next doc 段落をループ Dim i As Long, iParCount As Long iParCount = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count For i = 1 To iParCount ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i).Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft Next i 先...
Dim objIE As Object 'IEオブジェクト Dim YMD As String '年月日 Dim Ba_kanji As String '場所名(漢字2文字) Dim Rflg As Boolean 'データ存在フラグ Dim Bacnt As Long '年月日のみ指定の場合の開催場所数 Dim strOP As String '出力結果用テキスト ...
' Declare a global variable to hold the total number of converted files. Dim TotalConvertedCount As Long ' Main subroutine to convert DBF files to CSV. Sub DBF_to_CSV() ' Define variable to hold the path of the file. Dim xStrEFPath ...
Dim rs as ADODB.RecordseLONG recordCount...recordCount = rs.RecordCount この例では、64 ビット バージョンの Office 2010 アプリケーションでこのマクロを実行すると「型が一致しません」の...
Dim swApp As Object Dim swModel As Object Dim ret As Boolean Dim dummyRet As Long Dim longstatus As Long Dim errorFilePath As String Dim nErrors As Long Dim nWarnings as Long Sub main() errorFilePath = $$$TASK_WORKING_DIR$$$ + "\" + "swTaskScheduler.error" ErrorOut "...
a昏暗的童年生活 Dim childhood life[translate] aYou may be out of my sight, but never out of my. 您可以是出于我的视域,但从未在我外面。[translate] a外语教学采用整体教学,强调语言内容的连贯性 The foreign language teaching uses the overall teaching, the emphasis language content continuity[translate...
After 120 hours of use, the luminance level decreases by about half. When the illuminating light becomes dim, sufficiently charge the watch. If the illuminating light remains dim after sufficiently recharging the watch...
DimpptAsPresentationSetppt=Presentations.Open("My Presentation.pptx") アクティブなプレゼンテーションを参照する VBAコード実行時にGUIでアクティブなプレゼンテーションを操作するには、参照先のActivePresentationを使用します。 'イミディエイトウィンドウにActivePresentationの名前を表示するDebug.Pr...