A common technique for enhancing convective heat transfer from a surface is to add extended surfaces (fins); the size and shape of these fins play a crucial role in their performance. Many studies have investigated ways to leverage novel manufacturing techniques to create different fin shapes to ...
专辑:快乐嗨起来 歌手:刘爽 唐僧也有爱 - 刘爽 词:梦苑 曲:王立 木鱼声声佛经念 晨钟暮鼓数流年 青灯黄卷天天作伴 千山万水已走遍 披星戴月苦也甜 一曲情殇寄红颜 人非草木非圣贤 动情也在所难免 几人无过错在人间 佳偶天成情自然 似梦非梦暖心间 ...