An octave spectrum line chart with volume in decibels on the X axis, and frequency on the Y axis. オクターブスペクトル レベル (DBSPL)周波数 (Hz) ノーマルアンプスマートアンプ Smart Amplifierの出力は、スピーカーの物理的性能にインテリジェントに適合し、全帯域にわたってシステム...
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The 2023 Strix G 16 is a full-fledged gaming laptop targeted at competitive gamers expecting top-of-the-line performance in a chassis that caters to all gamer's needs. Biznakenya The 2023 Strix G 16 is a full-fledged gaming laptop targeted at competitive gamers...
We've expanded our entire 2022 lineup to include a MUX switch, helping you push performance even further when every frame counts.
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