InfiniBand 56Gbit/s(FDR) 40Gbit/s(QDR) 高バンド幅、 低レイテンシー、高信頼性の高速インターコネクト ストレージシステムの接続にも利用可能 エンタープライズやHPC(High Performance Computing)分野で導入が進んでいる。 ネットワークに特化したインターフェース FC(Fibre Channel) 16Gbi...
using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; public class App { // Exercise the Iterator and show that it's more // performant. public static void Main() { TestStreamReaderEnumerable(); Console.WriteLine("---"); TestReadingFil...
de-DE, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-IN, en-US, es-ES, es-MX, es-US, fr-CA, fr-FR, hi-IN, it-IT, ja-JP, pt-BR Alexa.Cooking 3 スマートホームクッキング en-US Alexa.Cooking.FoodTemperatureController 3 スマートホームクッキング en-US Alexa.Cooking.FoodTemperature...
It is recommended to enable power policing if the switch supports it. Refer to documentation. power inline police 受電デバイスでリアルタイム電力消費のポリシングをイネーブルにするには、インターフェイス コンフィギュレーション モードで power...
transfer. * @throws IOException * If some other I/O problem occurs. For example, the channel might * already be closed. */ void close() throws RecoverableIOException, IOException; /** * Reads data from this channel into the given buffer, starting at this * channel's current position, and...
It also includes the UI of the plug-in if it is packaged as a library. The entries here are used to dynamically generate the main.js file used by the UI at runtime. So any jsPath's listed here will be mapped to that library in the paths at the top of the main.js file: ...
(2004, 5, 'Source for advertisement 1'); UPDATE print_media SET ad_sourcetext= 'Source for advertisement 2' WHERE product_id=2004 AND ad_id=5; /* This retrieves the LOB column if it is up to 100 bytes, otherwise it * raises an exception */ SELECT ad_sourcetext INTO ad_buffer ...
It is recommended to enable power policing if the switch supports it. Refer to documentation. OL-32559-01-J インターフェイスおよびハードウェア コンポーネント コマンド リファレンス,Cisco IOS リリース 15.2(2)E(Catalyst 2960-X スイッチ) 55 power inline police イン...
S25FS512S: Protecting Main Memory Array and using it as READ-Only A combination of the Status Register-1 nonvolatile bits BP2, BP1, BP0 (SR1NV[4:2]) and the Configuration Register-1 Nonvolatile Bit 5 CR1NV[5] (TBPROT_O) bit can be used to protect an address range of the main ...
It provides easy and effortless connectivity to popular industry interfaces such as synchronous slave FIFO, asynchronous SRAM, asynchronous and synchronous address data multiplexed interfaces, and image sensor interfaces. Supported Product Families FX3 ボード&デザイン CY8CPROTO-062-4343W Sta...