Angela Aki是日美混血儿,父亲是日本人,母亲是美国人。在徳島出生,中学3年之前一直在岡山,高中则是在夏威夷,大学在华盛顿就读,现在则在东京生活。《HOME》应该是Angela Aki的第二张唱片吧,她于较早前发行的首张独立制作唱片《ONE》,发售当周就得到HMV销售榜里得到第2名的优秀成绩。从而倍受注目,而《HOME》就是加...
We are beauty we are mystery we are one We are every woman's song And every woman is a journey We are always right where we belong Hearts can guide us hearts can blind us Still we carry on Thank you to the mothers and daughters of my soul To all the women I will never...
I kind of liked it your way, How you shily laid your eyes on me. Did you ever know, That I had mine on you? Darling so there you are With that look on your face. As if you're never hurt As if you're never down. Shall i be the one for you?