CA 証明書および CA キーの原本または元の設定が失われた場合に CA 証明書および CA キーを後で復元できるように、初期の証明書サーバ設定時に、CA 証明書および CA キーの自動アーカイブをイネーブルにできます。 CA 証明書および CA キーは、証明書サー...
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 7] ls /hbase-unsecure [replication, meta-region-server, rs, splitWAL, backup-masters, table-lock, flush-table-proc, master-maintenance, online-snapshot, switch, master, running, draining, namespace, hbaseid, table] [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 8] 9 H...
[no]: n Request certificate from CA? [yes/no]: y % Certificate request sent to Certificate Authority % The certificate request fingerprint will be displayed. % The 'show crypto pki certificate' command will also show the fingerprint. Sep 29 00:41:55.427: CRYPTO_PKI: Certificate Re...
Do you wish to continue (y/n) [n] y 次のsyslog が表示されます。 <Tue Jun 25 15:06:56 2019> Starting migration, Please do not remove any linecards or fabric cards until migration is complete ステップ 6 スーパーバイ...
[no]: n Request certificate from CA? [yes/no]: y % Certificate request sent to Certificate Authority % The certificate request fingerprint will be displayed. % The 'show crypto pki certificate' command will also show the fingerprint....