以樣本數目為1,050,而該項統計的抽樣誤差又是正負2個百分比計算,「14.4%」的表達方式其實是過 份精確;「14%」或「一成四」是比較恰當的方法。 hkupop.hku.hk hkupop.hku.hk Place the headset on the base and pressthePLUS and MINUSbuttons simultaneously for approx. 6 seconds until the online display...
2dsinθ = nλ (1) 1𝑑2ℎ𝑘𝑙=43(ℎ2+ℎ𝑘+𝑘2𝑎2)+l2𝑐21d2hkl=43(h2+hk+k2a2)+l2c2 (2) Figure 1. (a) XRD patterns of HfS2−xSex layered crystals with varying Se compositions. (b) Lattice constant c values deduced from XRD diffraction. (c) HRTEM image ...
Q.; Jiao, R.Q.; Gu, H.M.; Kong, L.D. Author Correction: Magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate ameliorates high fructose-induced liver fibrosis in rat by increasing miR-375-3p to suppress JAK2/STAT3 pathway and TGF-β1/Smad signaling.Acta Pharmacol. Sin.2022,43, 1616. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef...
were fabricated using conventional ceramic technology with double solid-phase synthesis at temperatures T1 = 1123 K and T2 = 1143 K and holding times τ1 = τ2 = 10 h with following sintering at Tsin1 = 1343 K for samples prepared with mechanical activation (BF-xBTm) and Tsin2 = 1323...
ε˙=A[sin h(ασ)]nexp(−Q/RT)(underallstressconditions)ε˙=A[sin h(ασ)]nexp(−Q/RT)(underallstressconditions) (1) ε ˙=A2exp(βσ)exp(−Q/RT)(ασ<1.2)ε ˙=A2expβσexp(−Q/RT)(ασ<1.2) (2) ε˙= A1σn1exp(−Q/RT))(ασ<0.8)ε˙= A1σ...
Figure 3.Que improves IL−1β-induced chondrocyte ferroptosis. (A) The protein expression of GPX4 and Ferritin were detected by Western blot in the chondrocytes treated with QUE and IL−1β for 24 h. (B) Observation of chondrocyte mitochondria with transmission electron microscopy. (C) Flow...
1. Introduction Signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs) are latent cytoplasmic proteins that are activated to control gene expression through the phosphorylation of a single tyrosine when cells encounter ligands such as extracellular cytokines, growth factors and hormones [1,2,3]. Lig...
𝜎=𝐴exp(−𝐸𝑎𝑘𝑇)σ=Aexp−EakT (3) where A, Ea, k, and T are the pre-exponential constant, activation energy, Boltzman constant, and temperature, respectively. According to the slope of linear fit over the temperature of 300–500 °C, the activation energy (Ea) was ...
Maximum Storage Duration: 1 dayType: HTTP Cookie Hotjar 3Learn more about this provider _hjSession_#Collects statistics on the visitor's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been read. Maximum Storage Duration: 1 dayTyp...
Some of them are enhanced by 1 / sin 2 θ W , m t 2 / M W 2 or ln 2 M W 2 / m b 2 , where θ W is the weak mixing angle. Second, some of the remaining electromagnetic corrections in the O ( α e ) term in Equation (6) receive a power enhancement by M B s / ...