官网:http://currentchinesescience.com/ Current Chinese Science由BENTHAM SCIENCE出版社出版,是全球“最大”的期刊,因为期刊包含约有100名编辑,以及有4000多名中国著名科学家参与到编辑委员会。主编Atta-ur-Rahman教授是中科院外籍院士,联合国教科文组织科学奖获得者,中国最高国家奖项——中华人民共和国国际科学技术合...
Current Chinese Science is not limited to a specific field but instead covers all major fields of science, technology, and medicine. The Journal is currently in the process of appointing Executive Guest Editors for the discipline “Agricultural Sciences”. In this connection, we would like you to...
BenthamSciencePublishers 2021-1-21 来自 微博 weibo.com #诺贝尔奖获得者领衔BENTHAM SCIENCE出版社新刊CURRENT CHINESE SCIENCE#诺贝尔奖获得者Ferid Murad教授成为一份国际性多学科新刊的名誉高级顾问,该刊名为Current Chinese Science,由BENTHAM SCIENCE出版社出版。该刊将成为全球最大的期刊,约有100名编辑和4000多...
TheNanomaterialssection of the journalCurrent Chinese Sciencepublishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini-reviews, and guest-edited thematic issues in all areas of nanomaterials. This section is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of ...
TitleAbbreviationWord/Stem/Rule Current Curr. matches the stem "current-" Chinese Chin. matches the word "Chinese" science Sci. matches the stem "scienc-" Abbreviation systems ISO 4 abbreviation, as put forth by the International Organization for Standardization, is a method for creating standardiz...
BenthamSciencePublishers 20-05-12 18:11 来自微博weibo.com #编委招募#《Current Chinese Science》是BenthamScience出版社最新推出的一份多学科期刊,我们期待您的加入,登录以下网址即可申请:O网页链接Bentham Science致力于寻找积极活跃的编委。如果您在相关领域工作,并有兴趣成为一名编委,请将您的简历和出版列表...
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Edited byFang Wang, Institute of Soil Science Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China Last update 19 January 2023 Environmental Health 2022: Low-dose stimulation Edited by Evgenios Agathokleous, Professor at the School of Applied Meteorology, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology...
Current Topics in Chinese Science: section G: Medical ScienceCurrent Topics in Chinese Medicine, copyrighted by the Science Press of Beijing, China, and Gordon and Breach Science Publishers of New York, is one of a series that reproduces articles about pure and applied science from the two ...