Настоящеепродолженное. I go to school. –Яхожувшколу. I am going to school now. –Яидувшколусейчас. Present Simple Present Continuous. L/O/G/O What can you do? Today is the 4 of December. The Present Continuous Tense 现在...
Однаизглобальныхэкологическихкатастроф - этозагрязнениеокружающейсреды. Чтобыспастиземлюотзагрязненияокружающейсреды, необходимопомочьД...
Artem Present Simple and Present Continuous 老師20個詞語 NataliaKovaliova 預覽 Ткани. Материалы 老師17個詞語 quizlette32959048 預覽 Advance 85 - 2 85個詞語 Tjollstoff 預覽 Phrases for free time activities 24個詞語 Evgeniya011099 預覽 What Makes a Good Parent? 58個詞語 saqwe...
CSI originated as part of IT service management (ITSM) as a focused area of continuous improvement. It aims to identify rectifiable issues in the development process and production environment. The IT team, rather than the CAB team, determines these improvements, which must align with business goa...
Status epilepticus is continuous seizure activity; onset can be generalized or focal. Status epilepticus has 2 forms: Convulsive (with prominent motor symptoms) Nonconvulsive (without prominent motor symptoms) Generalized convulsive status epilepticus involves at least one of the following: Tonic-clo...
Past Simple V-ed, V2 I watch TV every evening. (Present Simple) I watched TV yesterday evening. (Past Simple) Оченьчастомыупотребляем Past Simple c такимисловамиифразами, как: yesterday, last night, last week (month,year), las...
daytime enjoys the diving pleasure, evening is and the colleague plays the face colored drawing on pottery, asked teacher to draw hoped Slye outstanding at the movie "BATMAN" the comedian clown, drew lets the colleague both panic-stricken and funny, Lin Youjia indicated: “Continuous [translate...
According to the attached list in material demonstration (probably the 40K product, resultant 279K USD), the order form quantity which we on hand may produce at present estimated may complete the continuous production in mid-October.Therefore we anticipate your after foreword order form arrangement....
Daisy-Simple - this topology chains all the nodes together, one after the other. The order they are chained is calculated to give the shortest overall length. If a source and terminator pad are specified, then all other pads are chained between them to give the shortest possible length. Edit...
4. Automation was first applied to industry in continuous-process manufacturing. 5. During the Middle Ages windmills had been made to turn by taking advantage of changes in the wind. VI. Points for discussion. a) Discuss efficiency and productivity in mass production. b) Describe some ...