We found that the ratio of annual predation by lake trout, Chinook salmon, and walleye combined with the biomass indices of age-1 and older alewives ( Alosa pseudoharengus ) and rainbow smelt ( Osmerus mordax ) increased more than tenfold during 1987–2010, and such increases in predation ...
salmonicida-positive samples had an ap of less than 5%, with Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout, respectively, having the highest frequency of samples with low ap. Forty-seven percent of IHNV-positive samples and 35% of C. shasta-positive samples had ap values of less than 5%; no factors ...
We found that the ratio of annual predation by lake trout, Chinook salmon, and walleye combined with the biomass indices of age-1 and older alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus) and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) increased more than tenfold during 1987-2010, and such increases in predation pressure...