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This study provides insights into the effects of Bi 2 O 3 on the physical, mechanical, and gamma ray shielding properties of Bi 2 O 3 –BaO–B 2 O 3 –ZnO–As 2 O 3 –MgO–Na 2 O glasses. The higher Bi 2 O 3 concentrations result in increased density and
“Tailoring the Electronic Structure of Mesoporous Spinel γ-Al2O3 at Atomic Level: Cu-Doped Case...
实验室制备负载型催化剂,用gamma Al2O3作为载体,负载活性组分后,洗涤过滤时,抽滤特别慢,怎么办啊...
γ-Al2O3, the focus of this work, is widely used as a methanol dehydration catalyst due to its low cost, compared to zeolites and other aluminosilicates, and due to the presence of Lewis acid sites of moderate strength, which lead to high DME selectivity; the presence of strong ...
求gamma-Al2O3构型文件我需要的是Digne等人的结构(已被表面吸附DFT计算广泛使用) Use of DFT to achieve a rational understanding of acid–basic properties of γ-alumina surfaces http://www.sciencedirect.com/sci ... i/S0021951704002039 下面的表中列出了建模所需的数据 还有文献原文已附上 621341_132039...
Chem Name Aluminium Oxide (2.1/3.2) - Gamma Structured Al2.144 O3.2 Sum Al2.144 ...