doi:10.1002/bjs.18005022040NoneJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.British Journal of Surgery
Evidence for the existence of cis and trans isomers, whose structures were determined by study of long range coupling, is given by N.M.R. spectroscopy. A correlation with sarpaginelike indole alkaloids has been established and a simple rule for the determination of the configuration of the ...
leukemiaThe rhône valley was always a major route for humans between northern europe and mediterranean sea. Located in its middle part, the southern ardèche preserves remains of this activity. The saint-remèze plateau and ardèche canyon offered shelters and resources to the populations which ...
André, J. MUniversité Catholique De Louvain Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique (Dir.: G. Leroy) Kapeldreef Egenhoven‐Heverlee (BelgiumDelhalle, JUniversité Catholique De Louvain Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique (Dir.: G. Leroy) Kapeldreef Egenhoven‐Heverlee (BelgiumLeroy, G...
It seems that the dienic part of penta-2,4-dienylphosphines cannot be involved in a η4-complexation for steric reasons. The oxides are valuable precursors for conjugated trienes through Wittig–Horner reactions with carbonyl compounds.Catherine C. Santini...
Moreover, according to Israelachvili's concept, DLS, SANS ans AUC studies showed that surfactansts bearing bulkier polar head self-assemble into small and well-define spherical micelles rather than the cylindrical ones usually observed with classical fluorinated surfactants. Finnaly, the propensity of...
The protoplasm of adult laticifers is densely packed with rubber particles.Charles HébantCanadian Journal of BotanyC Hebant,C Devic,E Fay.Ontogenie des laticiferes du systeme primaire de l’Hevea brasiliensis: une etude ultrastructurale et cytochimique.Canadian Journal of Botany. 1981...
margaritifera, suggest a genetic programming of the female sex, which however remain subject to environmental conditions, thus validating the hypothesis of a mixed sex determinism mode in P. margaritifera.S LustigS ParratteElsevier Masson
Fuger, J. (1957), Contribution à L'Étude de la Séparation des Terres Rares par L'Acide Éthylènediaminetetraacetique. Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 66: 151–168. doi: 10.1002/bscb.19570660112 Author Information Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique, Université de Liège (Prof. G. DUYCKAERTS) ...
The objective of this research is to propose an analysis of the political communication in Morocco through the comparative experience of the legislative elections in a rural and mountain area of the Moroccan Atlas. This reading is possible, only with the help of instruments which exceed the limits...