Área de Superficie Corporal 6425 次下载 暂无 好评率 0 人评论 Área de Superficie Corporal最新版截图 # Área de Superficie Corporal最新版 Cálculo del área de superficie corporal por la fórmula de Mosteller Raíz cuadrada (peso x talla/3600) Además del cálculo en ...
MEO Área de Cliente更新内容 Versão 2.0.2:- Correcção de errosVersão 2.0.1:- Correção de erros- Faturas: Melhorias no download e visualização do pdf- Sobre a app: inclusão de outras aplicações MEO e SAPO- Login automático: Deixa de ser necessário coloca...
Ciência RuralAZEVEDO, E.B. et al. Silagem da parte aerea de cultivares de mandioca. Cienc. Rural, Santa Maria, v. 36, p. 1902- 1908, 2006.AZEVEDO, E. B. et al. Silagem da parte aerea de cultivares de mandioca. Ciencia Rural, v. 36, n. 6, dez. 2006....
The present postmarketing surveillance investigated the safety and efficacy of clopidogrel for prevention of cardiovascular events following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in a real-life setting with a large patient population. This study included patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute corona...
Rescue therapy (salvage therapy) with steroids, cyclosporine, and/or infliximab is recommended by guidelines.1 The colectomy rate in ASUC remains at around 36% even in the biological millennium.2 Upadacitinib (UPA) is a JAK1 selective inhibitor used effectively to treat UC. The role of UPA...
Chinese acute ischemic stroke treatment outcome registry (CASTOR): protocol for a prospective registry study on patterns of real-world treatment of acute ischemic stroke in ChinaAcute ischemic strokeCost-utilityOutcomeCost-effectivenessProtocolsRegistry study...
The aim of the present study was to assess whether monoclonal antibodies targeting the CGRP pathway (CGRP-mAbs) can improve the perceived efficacy of acute treatments. Methods We included and followed up patients with chronic or episodic migraine from the Headache Centers of Avezzano-L'Aquila and ...
Grammatico S, Vitale A, La SR, et al. Lineage switch from pro-B acute lymphoid leukemia to acute myeloid leukemia in a case with t(12;17)(p13;q11)/TAF15-ZNF384 rearrangement. Leuk Lymphoma. 2013;54:1802-1805.Grammatico, S. , Vitale, A. , La Starza, R. , Gorello, P. , ...
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is typified by the t(15;17) translocation, which leads to the formation of the PML/RARA fusion gene and predicts a beneficial response to retinoids. However, approximately 10% of all APL cases lack the classic t(15;17). This group includes (1) cases ...
Objective: To determine the frequency, etiology and clinical profile of patient with acute viral hepatitis at tertiary care hospital. Patients and Methods: This is a cross sectional study conducted at Jinnah hospital Lahore, and included patients of age 10 years and above. Duration of study was ...