O’Connell RJ, Panstruga R (2006) Inside a plant cell: establishing compatibility between plants and biotrophic fungi and oomycetes. New Phytol 171:699–718O’Connell RJ , Panstruga R , 2006 . Tête-à-tête inside a plant cell: establishing compatibility between plants and biotrophic fungi ...
(1956) Contribution a l'etude du systeme quinaire Ca++ - NH4+ - H+ - NO3- - PO4--- - H2O XVIII. Le systeme quaternaire Ca++ - H+ - NO3- - PO4--- - H2O. Helvetica Chimica Acta, Vol. XXXIX, No II, pp. 473-483, ISNN 1522-2675...
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So according to these new events, we had to go back to the theory in order to find new postulates for describing and explaining the new observations. In the end, we chose to study this case with and abductive methodology in order to find better explanations.Ryan GilbeyBibliogr...
The infectivity and hemagglutination titers of influenza viruses were studied after treatment at different pH values during 4 hours at 37 °C.Influenza viruses appeared to be acid-labile. The loss of infectivity of influenza viruses varied within each type, since strains of type B were more ...
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