['$rootScope', '$state', function($rootScope, $state) { $rootScope.$on('$statechangestart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) { // 假设我们有一个条件来决定是否阻止状态变更 var shouldPrevent = someCondition(); if (shouldPrevent) { // 阻止状态变更 event...
angular1项目导入ui-router之后,使用路由监听,代码如下angular.module('app', ['ui.router', ''])angular.module("app") .run(['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) { // 监听路由开始时触发 $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function () {} // 监听路由成功时触发 $rootScop...
angular.module('secu',['ui.router']) .run(function($rootScope, $transitions, $state) { $transitions.onStart({to:function(state) {return(['admin.traininer','admin.miss']).indexOf( > -1; } },function(trans) {varstateName =;if(!localStorage.getItem('sessio...
Your controller is instantiated by ui-router every time you enter the state it is associated with. Therefore, your $rootScope.$on call will be adding a new listener to the $stateChangeStart event each time you enter that state. If you only need to handle the event once per controller inst...
$ locationChangeSuccess和$ stateChangeStart混淆 我正在尝试使用AngularUI路由器进行一些身份验证。$urlRouter.sync()看起来正是我所需要的。但是,仅当我拦截时可用$locationChangeSuccess。但是当我这样做时,它$state.current.name是空的,而我希望它是当前状态。 到目前为止,这是我的代码: $rootScope.$on('$...
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function() {}); 因为我想在做不同事情的多个页面上获得该事件。如果我使用上面的方法,我实现的每个页面都会触发这个事件(即使页面不是我来自的地方,也不是我要去的地方)...which有点超负荷。 所以我要找的是一个只有在当前页面上使用了控制器才会触发的事件。
Got a quick question for you guys. I want to be able to execute a possible ajax request from a factory on "stateChangeStart" event (i check some state parameters). Seems like if i event.preventDefault(), then call the factoryMethod for t...
$broadcast('$stateChangeStart', to.self, toParams, from.self, fromParams, options).defaultPrevented) { $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeCancel', to.self, toParams, from.self, fromParams); $urlRouter.update(); return TransitionPrevented; 19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions 19 test/...
My problem: I have the resolve on the root state in my app: 'main' This was to avoid code redundancy, however I cannot determine how to access the root state's properties, and therefore the resolve result, from the $stateChangeStart function. The toState is the child state, while the...