使用VCS读取SDF文件时,会将延迟值“反向标注(back-annotates)”到设计中,即在源文件中添加或者更改延迟值。 可以使用$sdf_annotate系统任务进行反标,其使用格式如下。 代码语言:javascript 复制 $sdf_annotate("sdf_file"[,module_instance][,"sdf_configfile"][,"sdf_logfile"][,"mtm_spec"][,"scale_factors...
通过$sdf_annotate,用户可以在SDF文件中添加各种注释和标记,以便于数据的分析、查询和可视化。 二、基本用法 1. 安装和配置 首先,确保你的操作系统中已经安装了$sdf_annotate工具。然后,进入$sdf_annotate的安装目录,并进行配置。配置主要包括指定输入文件路径、输出文件路径等参数。 2. 添加注释 使用$sdf_annotate...
步骤一:打开命令提示符或终端窗口,并输入以下命令来安装sdf_annotate: pip install sdf_annotate 步骤二:安装完成后,您可以在Python中导入sdf_annotate库: python import sdf_annotate 现在,我们已经完成了sdf_annotate的安装和设置,接下来让我们一起来看一些具体的使用示例。 示例一:词性标注 词性标注是将每个单词与其...
$sdf_annotate(“sdf_file”[, module_instance] [, “sdf_configfile”] [, “sdf_logfile”] [, “mtm_spec”] [, “scale_factors”] [, “scale_type”]); eg: initial begin $sdf_annotate("./test_top_1228.sdf",,,"MINIMUM",,"FROM_MINIMUM"); //MINIMUM TYPICAL MAXIMUM end...
$sdf_annotate (["<sdffile>"], [<instance>], ["<config_file>"], ["<log_file>"], ["<mtm_spec>"], ["<scale_factor>"], ["<scale_type>"]); Arguments "<sdffile>" String that specifies the SDF file. Required. <instance> Hierarchical name of the instance to be annotated. ...
6350 - VCS - "Error: undefined system task or function $sdf_annotate" Description General Description: I receive the following error: "Error: undefined system task or function $sdf_annotate ./pcim_top_routed.v 4513: initial $sdf_annotate( "pcim_top_routed.sdf");" NOTE: Optimal use...
Hi Everybody, I have a problem with a sdf-annotated netlist during elaboration before simulating it with ncsim. I get the following output for severall cells during
The SDF file was generated by using the command as write_sdf. Then i simulated the netlist by irun. The sdf annotation gives a warning such as following ncelab: *W,SDFNET: Unable to annotate to non-existent timing check (RECREM (posedge CDN) (negedge CPN) (0) (0.363)) of instance ...
当前标签:tetramax sdf_annotate 9 16 231
vcs -P sdf.tab -y $XILINX/verilog/src/simprims +libext+.v time_sim.v The following is an example of an entry in the sdf.tab file for your design: $sdf_annotate call=sdf_ annotate_ call acc+=tchk, mp, mipb:%CELL+ ISE & EDK ToolKnowledge Base ...