使用$PSScriptRoot定义文件的路径是一种在PowerShell脚本中获取当前脚本所在目录的方法。$PSScriptRoot是一个自动变量,它会返回当前脚本文件的完整路径,包括文件名。 在P...
PSScriptRoot变量是PowerShell脚本中的一个特殊变量,用于表示当前脚本文件所在的目录路径。它的值是一个字符串,可以通过$PSScriptRoot来访问。 PSScriptRoot变...
在PowerShell 3.0中,有一个变量可以很方便的获取脚本所在的目录。我们在e:\ps\script1.ps1和script2.ps1,内容分别如下: script1.ps1内容: Write-Host "This is script1.ps1" Write-Host "Let me call script2.ps1:" . "$PSScriptRoot\script2.ps1" script2.ps1内容: Write-Host "This is script2.ps1...
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall* | Select-Object DisplayName | Set-Content d:\InstalledSoftwareList.txt这条命令,手工在powershell可生成新文件d:\InstalledSoftwareList.txt。 但是保存成aa.ps1,运行后,不能生成新文件d:\InstalledSoftwareList.txt。
Steps to reproduce Run this script (via PowerShell -File ...) param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Foo = 'hi\{0}\hi' -f $PSScriptRoot ) Write-Host $Foo Function Bar { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Bar = $P...
I am teaching myself C# by building a PowerShell module. I want to retrieve the PSScriptRoot property from the InvocationInfo class but it appears to be something that is called indirectly. Does anyone have guidance on a) how to invoke it or b) how to…
PSScriptRoot ScriptLineNumber ScriptName Statement UnboundArguments Methods IResourceSupplier ItemCmdletProviderIntrinsics ItemNotFoundException IValidateSetValuesGenerator Job Job2 JobDefinition JobFailedException JobIdentifier JobInvocationInfo JobManager
Noob Question - - How to call InvocationInfo.PSScriptRoot for a PowerShell Module I am teaching myself C# by building a PowerShell module. I want to retrieve the PSScriptRoot property from the InvocationInfo class but it appears to be something that is ...
I am teaching myself C# by building a PowerShell module. I want to retrieve the PSScriptRoot property from the InvocationInfo class but it appears to be something that is called indirectly. Does anyone have guidance on a) how to invoke it or b) how to use it t...
字符串 $PSScriptRoot是一个自动变量,它只保存当前脚本目录的字符串对象。