Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null. Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executingisset($object->property). Note that if the property is not defined, false will be returned. ...
If one of them has been changed to a combination that is not defined within the database, no payload interpretation is possible. Therefore the 1st prototype of the CAPL function SomeIpCreateMessage will return an error message for all combinations that are not defined in the database. However,...
This is a virtual function, so that derived classes can override it if they want to do additional checks on the state of the object (Inherited from SqlSmoObject) CheckObjectStateImpl(Boolean) Checks object state Because it is not recusrive, this function can be called directly and which...
In my scenario, the error (not finding the "geography" type from "postgis", which is being defined in model builder with "HasPostgresExtension("postgis")") only occurs when data is saved to the database (using "context.SaveChangesAsync()" after setting an entity that has a "geography" ...
[recon-ng][debug][ipinfodb] > run [*] DATABASE => /home/###REDACTED###/.recon-ng/workspaces/debug/data.db [*] QUERY => SELECT DISTINCT ip_address FROM hosts WHERE ip_address IS NOT NULL [*] === REQUEST === url:
CheckObjectState(Boolean)Validates the state of the referenced object with the option to specify that an exception is thrown if the object is not yet created. (从SqlSmoObject继承。) CheckObjectStateImpl(从SqlSmoObject继承。) CheckVersion100(从SqlSmoObject继承。) ...
Is there a way to overide the message when you try and insert a value that is a duplicate for a field? Currently it is something like: 1 . [t_26072000000004095] null, message from server: "Duplicate entry 'test@faf.dd' for key 2". That inst very nice, I
The following error messages stop the CIF transfer during Customer or Vendor integration from ECC into an SCM Location: ''Country key [...] is not defined'' - AM214 ''Error in address data for location [...]'' - /SAPAPO/LOM023 ...
‘auto_increment’ reserved keyword for adding the auto increment function. Actually, the solution is actually exist in the previous article. Not a direct solution for solving the problem in order to add the auto_increment feature but the focus i...
MessageObjectBase Miembros MessageObjectBase