jQuery ajax $ is not defined var dataObj=eval("("+data+")");//转换为json对象 eval这里要添加 “("("+data+")");//”呢?原因在于:eval本身的问题。 由于json是以”{}”的方式来开始以及结束的,在JS中,它会被当成一个语句块来处理,所以必须强制性的将它转换成一种表达式。
eval 会对后面的命令进行两遍扫描。如果第一遍扫描后,命令是个普通命令,则执行此命令;如果命令中含有...
从而导致未捕获的错误...at :1:13 JavaScript 有以下内置错误,这些错误是从 Error 对象继承而来的 3.2 EvalError EvalError 表示关于全局eval()函数的错误...如果该值不是预期的类型,则抛出TypeError。...➤ 1(); ⓧ Uncaught TypeError: 1 is not a function ➤ null.name; ⓧ Uncaught TypeError: ...
Again, it makes use of eval() and exposes the session, so never use this on a web server.<?phperror_reporting(E_ALL);session_start();if (isset($_POST['session'])) { $session = eval("return {$_POST['session']};"); if (is_array($session)) { $_SESSION = $session; header(...
ReferenceError: window is not defined at eval (/src/entry-server.ts:6:3) at async instantiateModule (/node_modules/.pnpm/vite@4.0.0-beta.2/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-666774f5.js:53227:9) Seems to be caused by this specific line (inside the template string): ...
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined at eval (eval at <anonymous> (app.js:784), <anonymous>:1:18) at Object.<anonymous> (app.js:784) at __webpack_require__ (app.js:637) at fn (app.js:61) at Object.eval (eval at <anonymous> (app.js:701), <anonymous>:16:21) at...
node:internal/process/promises:279 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */); ^ Error [ReferenceError]: nanoid is not defined pptr:$$eval;Object.callback%20(D%3A%5C%E9%A1%B9%E7%9B%AE%5C%E7%88%AC%E8%99%AB%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F%5Ccrawler%5Ccrawlers%5Cslider.js%3A8%3A34)...
the number is ${i} the word is ${word} 文件脚本.sh: #!/bin/sh #Set variables i=1 word="dog" #Read in template one line at the time, and replace variables (more #natural (and efficient) way, thanks to Jonathan Leffler). while read line do eval echo "$line" done < "./te...
Imagine a template system that works by getting a file, as a string, and then putting it through eval(), something like this: $formAsString = $controller->command("readFileAndReturnString", $formName); // 06-22-07 - the next commands try to import all the functions that the PHP ...
not-a-function.js -object-functions.js -object-init.js -object-spread.js -object-used-as-map.js -optional-chaining.js -override-static-builtin-error-message.js -own-property-names-symbols.js -predefined-var-eval.js -predefined-var.js -primitive.js -print-empty-exception.js -prohibit-...