$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) + 1: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) + 1") 如下图 查询相关资料后发现问题的原因是: 在xcode 11中,在项目的构建设置中有一个新的部分叫做版本控制 并且CFBundleShortVersionString自动更改为$(MARKETING_VERSION),CFBundleVersion会改为...
编译报错原因 在Xcode11中,如果你修改了版本号和构建版本号,Xcode会把info.plist文件中的CFBundleVersion修改为$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION)、CFBundleShortVersionString修改为$(MARKETING_VERSION),这是由于Xcode11增加 了Current Project Version(构建版本号) 和Marketing Version(版本号) 配置,在build setting中我们可以找...
Xcode打包, bulidversion自增报错的处理(error token is "$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) + 1") with a nonzero exit code 原因 在xcode 11中,在项目的构建设置中有一个新的部分叫做版本控制 并且CFBundleShortVersionString自动更改为$(MARKETING_VERSION),CFBundleVersion会改为$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION)(测试发现只...
Attempting to update XCode project version. I.E. A minor bump version fail such as 1.44 to 1.45. I am able to successfully update the build number like build 345 to 346 but I cannot update the version number. There was a related issue that was closed due to inactivity to this problem....
>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <phase>validate</phase> <goals> <goal>run</goal> </goals> <configuration> <tasks> <echo>project version: ${project.version}</echo> </tasks> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </project...
了解构建环境和系统信息对于跨平台开发至关重要。CMake 的特殊变量,如${CMAKE_SYSTEM}和${CMAKE_VERSION},为开发者提供了关于构建环境的重要信息。 在本章节的结尾,我们不仅将对这些特殊变量有了深入的理解,而且还会理解它们在构建过程中的重要性和作用。通过这种方式,我们可以更加高效地使用 CMake,并将其应用到我...
After a very long wait, Pi team finally shared the roadmap in November 2023. While this roadmap was not detailed, it still showed the direction in which the project would be heading. The version 1 of the roadmap is divided into 3 phases, with the initial 2 phases already complete. Howe...
Starting in version 4.4, $planCacheStats stage can be run on mongos instances as well as on mongod instances. In 4.2, $planCacheStats stage can only run on mongod instances. $planCacheStats includes new fields: the host field and, when run against a mongos, the shard field. mongo she...
Enablingos-maven-pluginon your Maven project Add the extension to yourpom.xmllike the following: <project><build><extensions><extension><groupId>kr.motd.maven</groupId><artifactId>os-maven-plugin</artifactId><version>1.7.0</version></extension></extensions></build></project> ...