本文着重介绍了生产免涂锦纶防绒布的关键技术──锦纶细旦丝的上浆技术,通过选择适当的上浆工艺,使织物经整理后具有防绒、透气、柔软、舒适的良好性能。2) downproof fabric 防羽绒布 1. The problems in deciding technique parameters of weaving downproof fabric with 1511M or 1515 shuttle loom and the compl...
沪江词库精选防羽绒布英文怎么写及英文单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 down-proof cloth 相似短语 be down forv.被列入名单 be down onv.对...有怨气 down withv.打倒,把...拿下 be down下楼来, 生病 down for列入(学校、比赛等的)名单 down to下至 ...
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介绍了1511M,1515有梭织机织制防羽绒布的工艺参数选取问题及有关机构的配套改造方法。2) cotton waterproof eider down clothing 纯棉防水羽绒布 1. Because of the big density and weaving difficulty for the cotton waterproof eider down clothing, the general sizing material can not meet its sizing requ...
纯棉防水羽绒布经纬密度高 ,织造难度大 ,普通浆料不能满足织造上浆要求。 Because of the big density and weaving difficulty for the cotton waterproof eider down clothing, the general sizi...