圆周力:Ft=2T/d 径向力:Fr=Ft*tan a 法向力:Fn=Ft/cos aT-小齿轮传递的转矩,单位为N.mmd-小齿轮的节圆直径,对标准齿轮就是分度圆直径,单位为mma-啮合角,对标准齿轮.a=20度.以上为小齿轮(主动轮)的分析,大齿轮(从动轮)的各力分别相等但方向相反....
其中还有轴的设计,通过泵的效率及扭矩来确定轴的最小直径,在根据力学来完成校核其强度,如轴向力,圆周力,径向力等。 Understood the pump the classification, the guide vane type self-priming centrifugal pump structure, the work principle, refers to "Pump And Air blower" and "Centrifugal pump Design ...
其中还有轴的设计,通过泵的效率及扭矩来确定轴的最小直径,在根据力学来完成校核其强度,如轴向力,圆周力,径向力等。 This article says the 65BPZ-15-35-3 guide vane type self-priming centrifugal pump primary coverage includes: Brings in the insufficient foundation in the analysis tradition centrifugal ...