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英语《电影介绍》精品PPT课件 ShutterIsland leadingrole:LeonardoDiCapriodirector:MartinScorsese --环境1501cxq Myheartissopain ShutterIsland禁闭岛 1.Doresearch 4.Learnthetruth Plot 2.Findthe prisoner 3.Suspecteverything Part01:Doresearch Tofindher Withhispartner Torevenge The67thprisoner Intheprison Part...
最喜欢的电影-英语介绍PPT课件.ppt,Our favourite films DIFFERENT RELATIONS DIFFERENT MOVINGToday we will introduce three different movies,covered three kids of relations. The love between father and daughter---Silent witnesss (全民目击)The loyal of a dog
For its plots , its pictures as you can see in ppt , and most impo-rtant , its songs , which are sang by Sarah Brig-htman and Weib.Thier voices just hit the bottom of my heart.Then I want to share one of its song with you .8Thank you I hope that you would love it. ...
《当幸福来敲门》电影英语介绍课件共31页.ppt,《当幸福来敲门》电影英语介绍《当幸福来敲门》电影英语介绍《当幸福来敲门》电影英语介绍The Pursuit of Happiness WILL SMITH thePURSUITof PPYNESS in theaters Dec 15th 小人员8江角量 sonrcornvpumaiomppyn罚数 Developmen
TheposterofTroy《特洛伊》又名<<木马屠城>>Helen—themostbeautifulwoman Paris,aprinceofTroy,traveledtoGreece,managedtoseduceHelenwithhisbeautyandtookherawaywithhim.Thus,ThisledtotheTrojanwarandthewholeofGreecemovedagainstTroyinforce.Thiswarlastedfor10years,finallyGreecewonthewarbecauseofthewoodenhorseWoodenhorse...
🔥“把寻常的人生过好,才是最不寻常的事。”“灵魂是压不死的,生活才会压垮你”“我不确定,但我知道,我会享受生命的每一分钟”👉 皮克斯神级动画《心灵奇旅》自上映到现在,收获了大批影迷的超高评价和眼泪,电影时而让我们放声大笑,时而让我们陷入沉思。💞PPT内
主题:《飞驰人生2》(电影) 纯英文PPT+文字稿+中文翻译 PPT页数:20页 稿子字数:503-1191字 演讲时间:5-11分钟 内容: (第页含1段约2分40秒视频) ① 电影概述 ② 主要角色介绍 ③ 经典台词及主题分析 ④ 作为大学生,电影给我的启发 总结:《飞驰人生2》不仅仅是一部电影,还是一段自我发现、友谊和救赎的...