球矢量波函数在各向异性介质电磁散射中的应用 2. By means of the dyadic Green's function technique and the principle of scattering superposition, the EM fields wre expressed in terms of spheroidal vector wave functios. 运用并矢格林函数和散射叠加原理,求解的电磁场表示为椭球矢波函数。
对于时谐电磁场,推导出求解矢位的球面波函数展开式,应用该展开式可计算电流分布区域外部和内部的时谐电磁场,给出了用文中公式求解时谐电磁场的具体例子。3) vector spherical wave funcions 矢量球波函数 1. Whereafter,electromagnetic fields in form of series expressions is made in terms of the vector sp...
矢量球波函数 1. Whereafter,electromagnetic fields in form of series expressions is made in terms of the vector spherical wave funcions in the source-free homogeneous isotropic media(HIM) layer as well as in free space. 根据不同类型的矢量球波函数,建立无源各向同性球层内以及自由空间内的电磁场...