对最硬核的粉丝来说,奶茶不仅是一种饮料,还是一种生活方式。这种生活方式可以包括商品、对最佳奶茶连锁店的争论,现在,还加上了将在日本开业的珍珠奶茶主题公园。 Tokyo Tapioca Land, a pop-up that will take over a new shopping area in front of Harajuku Station from August 13 to September 16, promises...
沪江英语提供英语故事带翻译:卖珍珠的楚国人、In the past, a man of the State of Chu intended to go to the State of Zheng to sell pearls.从前,有个楚国人准备到郑国卖珍珠。 First he used rare lily magnolia to make a small exquisit...等背单词网站信息
汉译英赏析:冯骥才《珍珠鸟》来源:网络 2013-10-05 14:30 双语 中文 英语 🔥2024CATTI考试报名时间汇总 🔥【免费领取】CATTI备考干货资料>> 2024年CATTI笔译二级【签约班】 2024年CATTI笔译三级【签约班】 ✏︎CATTI笔译三级长线备考班 【CATTI精品课程推荐】: 【免费定制】CATTI翻译笔译/口译备考方案>> ...
台湾的珍珠奶茶人人爱喝,但小编近日发现它的英文名竟是"Bubble tea" 或是 "boba tea"——直译“波霸奶茶”!这是怎么回事儿呢? 原来,台湾早期仅有珍珠奶茶一种称呼。约1988年时,台南市海安路一家叫“草蜢”的小贩,取当时性感女星叶子楣的灵感,将珍珠奶茶改称波霸奶茶。以后在南台湾,波霸逐渐就成为大粉圆的...
沪江英语提供金秀贤卡雅珍珠海报 身体接触引热议、5月2日,金秀贤和卡雅•斯考达里奥拍摄了J.Estina珠宝品牌的画报。卡雅•斯考达里奥身穿带有花纹的连衣裙,从金秀贤后面轻轻地抱着他。尤其是她将手放在了金秀贤的左胸上,这一身体接触足以令韩国女性抓狂。等法律英语
揭秘:珍珠奶茶的珍珠是用什么做的? Most of us who've ever had tapioca know it to be the chewy, small pearls found in a bowl of pudding. Or maybe the bigger, still chewy balls floating around in the now-globally-popular sweet Asian bubble teas. But not many of us actually know what th...
真好!朋友送我一对珍珠鸟。放在一个简易的竹条编成的笼子里,笼内还有一卷干草,那是小鸟舒适又温暖的巢。 What a nice pair of Pearl birds my friend gave me! I kept them in a simple cage woven with bamboo strips. Inside the cage I put some dry grass to serve as their nest and keep them...