a开关按钮,和你设计的电量显示按钮。相同! The switch button, the electric quantity demonstration button which designs with you.Same![translate] a北京小米科技有限责任公司 Beijing Millet Science and technology Limited liability company[translate]
1. Beijing Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd.2. 或颤升仿纳者茄大老 - This phrase seems to be a mix of characters and does not form a coherent sentence or company name in Chinese or English. It should be corrected to reflect the actual name of the company.3. Beijing Miui Technolo...
Beijing Xiaomi Scientice and Technology Co.Ltd.或者 Beijing Miui Scientice and Technology Co.Ltd.
北京小米科技有限责任公司(简称:小米,英文名:Mobile Internet),是雷军带领组建,于2010年4月6日正式成立的一家致力于移动通信终端设备研制与软件开发的企业。小米手机、MIUI、米聊是小米公司旗下三大核心业务。“为发烧而生”是小米的产品理念。小米公司首创了用互联网模式开发手机操作系统、发烧友参与开发改进的...
BeijingXiaomiScienticeandTechnologyCo.Ltd. 或者 BeijingMiuiScienticeandTechnologyCo.Ltd.