习非成是 习非成是 成语拼音xí fēi chéng shì简拼xfcs 近义词习非胜是反义词 感情色彩贬义词成语结构连动式 解释/意思/寓意对某些错误事情习惯了,反以为本来就是对的。 出处/来源西汉·扬雄《法言·学行》:“习乎习,以习非之胜是,况习是之胜非乎?”...
习非成是[xi fei cheng shi,] 英语字典:习(xi,)非(fei,)成(cheng,)是(shi,) “ 习非成是 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 xi fei cheng shi 1.to accept what is wrong as right as one grows accustomed to it; through usage the wrong becomes the right ...
习非成是例句>> 2) M: Yeah, it was brilliant. 是的,非常成功。3) Less-Successful learner 非成功学习者4) Custom is a second nature. 习惯是后天养成的。5) right and wrong 是非 1. How is Chinese Nation s Value of “Right and Wrong” Possible?——An Analysis of the Semantic Structure...