one;two;three;four;five;six;seven;eight;nine;ten 有关一用英语怎么说的例句: 一个男的在街上和我搭讪。 A man had accosted me in the street. 我了几个畅销品牌中的一种。 I bought one of the leading brands. 一个警觉的邻居发现了他。 He had been spotted by an alert neighbour. 我想要一个...
At the mere mention of the subject, his face clouded.8、他们的结合从一开始就是个错误。Their marriage was a mistake from the very beginning.9、两人一见面,那股热劲儿甭提了。You never know how excited they were when they met.10、两下里再一碰头,事情就算定了。One more meeting between the ...
二、用作形容词 (adj.)If only problems would come one at a time!要是问题一次只发生一个该多好!
词语·一举 【拼音】:yī jǔ 【注音】:ㄧㄐㄨˇ 词语解释 ◎ 一举 yī jǔ [at one stroke;with one action] 一次行动 一举歼灭来犯之敌。 详细解释(1).谓一次行动。 《左传·襄公二十五年》:“九世之卿族,一举而灭之。可哀也哉!”唐 骆宾王 《荡子从军赋》:“楼船一举争沸腾,烽火四连相隐见。”...
一点钟的英文是one o'clock,也可以写作1 o'clock ; at one o'clock ; It's one o'clock 。例句:I'll be there at one. 我一点钟会到那儿。I know, and now I'm ending it. I have class at one. 我知道,我不想说了。我一点钟有课。3. The boom of the one o'clock gun ...
第一单元的英文:Unit one。读音:英[ˈjuːnɪt wʌn],美[ˈjuːnɪt wʌn]。相似短语:one carbon unit一个碳单位。 双语例句 1、From the smallest to the largest production unit, no one escaped notice. 从最小的到最大的生产单位,全都在监控之下。 2、Unit One: This is me!
过去有一段时间 one time曾经有一段时间 1.There was a time 2.there once was a time 3.there was a time when一会儿;有一段时间 1.for a while已有一段时间 1.for some time
not for a/one minute 当然不;绝不 = certainly not ; not at all 【例句】 I don't think for a minute that she'll accept your offer, but you can ask her. 我认为她绝不会接受你的offer的,但你可以问问她。 Don't think ...
“有一段时间”用英语怎么说? 过去有一段时间 one time曾经有一段时间1.There was a time2.there once was a time3.there was a time when一会儿;有一段时间1.for a while已有一段时间1.for some time
Niccolini was thundering up the stairs, taking them two at a time. 尼科利尼一步两个台阶地噔噔跑上楼。 柯林斯例句 My ambition was to travel upwards in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. 我的雄心是在教会中一步一步往上走。 柯林斯例句 I am not rushing things and I'm taking it step by step. ...