In a radio communications system using a TD/CDMA subscriber separation method, a base station signals at least one defined time slot when a communication link is established from/to a radio station. In said time slot at least one characteristic value concerning the transmission conditions of the ...
The direction (r1-r3) from the base transceiver (BTS) to a user station (TS1-TSu) is determined. At least two transmission channels (CHr-CHv) are preselected for an assignment of a transmission channel, depending upon the determined direction (r1-r3). Radio channel measurements are carried ...
Zuteilen von verkehrskanälen in einem kommunikationssystemdoi:EP1474881 A2A control channel supporting traffic control in epochs is divided into two control subchannels each being less than or equal to about a half epoch in duration and occurring serially in time. Slot allocation data may be ...
Depending upon the determined transmission channel specific parameter (M1-Mg) a preselected transmission channel (CHt) is selected for an exchange of voice and /or data information between the base transceiver (BTS) and the user station (TS1-TSu)....
Depending upon the determined transmission channel specific parameter (M1-Mg) a preselected transmission channel (CHt) is selected for an exchange of voice and /or data information between the base transceiver (BTS) and the user station (TS1-TSu).Egon Schulz...
a maximum data rate, the orthogonal code being used in a first CDMA communication system; and a controller for reading the orthogonal code numbers from the storage medium according to mobile station type information from a mobile station, and allocating a specific forward common channel such that ...