“Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead” is a comedy movie directed by Yusuke Ishida. It is based on the manga series of the same name by Haro Aso and Kotaro Takata. It stars Eiji Akaso as Akira Tendo.Are you looking for a well-crafted comedy that is both relaxed and visually appealing...
Jesus H. Zombie: Directed by Daniel Heisel. With Dah-uh Morrow, Wendy Schweitzer, Manda McKay, Bill Pacer. The horrific fight to the death thriller keeps your knees on edge, with its grassy sense of humor and its lack of chicken feet. This movie portrays
Good news for anyone that didn't get enough of the movie. Saber Interactive produced its own take on the film's setting with its own game in 2019. It's a must-play, especially if you're playing games mainly from the first-person shooter genre. World War Z doesn't disappoint in diffi...
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The pilot episode “Days Gone By” won “Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup for a Series, Miniseries, Movie, or Special” at Primetime Emmy Awards in 2011 and the episode “What Lies Ahead” reprised this same award in 2012, The episode “What Lies Ahead” also won “Best Sound Editing in Tel...