Poller() self.__socket = None # type: zmq.sugar.Socket self.__create_socket() Example #25Source File: test_supvisorszmq.py From supvisors with Apache License 2.0 5 votes def setUp(self): """ Create a dummy supvisors and a ZMQ context. """ from supvisors.supvisorszmq import ...
void test(void) { zmq::context_t context(1); zmq::socket_t client_socket(context,ZMQ_SUB); client_socket.connect("tcp://localhost:5570"); client_socket.setsockopt(ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE,""); zmq::pollitem_t poll_item = { client_socket, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 }; // Allocate poller dynamically,...
public class Example { //创建两个SOCKET ZMQ.Socket socket_1 = context.createSocket(SocketType.PUSH); socket_1.bind("tcp://*:5001"); Poller poller = context.createPoller(2); //监听的这里是2个套接字 poller.register(socket_1); poller.register(socket_2, Poller.POLLIN); boolean flag = ...
socket ref or native file descriptor for poller without use of std::v… Jul 26, 2023 Repository files navigation README License Introduction & Design Goals cppzmq is a C++ binding for libzmq. It has the following design goals: cppzmq maps the libzmq C API to C++ concepts. In particular:...
Windows Server 2012 R2x86Visual Studio 2010 SP1CMake 3.12.2DRAFT Windows Server 2012 R2x86Visual Studio 2012 Update 5CMake 3.12.2DRAFT Windows Server 2012 R2x86, amd64Visual Studio 2013 Update 5CMake 3.12.2DRAFT, STABLE (x86 Release only), also POLLER=epoll ...
Problem: libzmq 4.2.0 cmake build broken 7年前 examples Compile and update the examples in the README 4年前 libzmq-pkg-config fix install without static libzmq 6年前 tests Merge pull request #451 from gummif/gfa/poller-size 4年前 .clang-format Problem: whitespace style ...
(self, q_out): poll = zmq.Poller() self.endpoint_url ='tcp://'+''+':'+'9001'wake = self.context.socket(zmq.PAIR) wake.connect("inproc://signal") poll.register(wake, zmq.POLLIN) self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.DEALER) self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, ...
python操作pyautoit 库 python zmq库,ZeroMQ的背景介绍引用官方的说法:“ZMQ(以下ZeroMQ简称ZMQ)是一个简单好用的传输层,像框架一样的一个socketlibrary,他使得Socket编程更加简单、简洁和性能更高。是一个消息处理队列库,可在多个线程、内核和主机盒之间弹性伸缩。ZMQ
The Go compiler must be able to compile C code. You can check this with: $ go env CGO_ENABLED 1 You can't do cross-compilation. That would disable C. Windows Build with CGO_CFLAGS and CGO_LDFLAGS environment variables, for example: $env:CGO_CFLAGS='-ID:/dev/vcpkg/installed/x64-wi...
Below is an example of how you may poll a socket. (catch 'recvd (let ((poller (zmq-poller)) (timeout 1000)) (zmq-poller-add poller sock (list zmq-POLLIN zmq-POLLOUT)) (while t ;; `zmq-poller-wait-all' returns an alist of elements (sock . events) (let* ((socks-events (...