The box (1) has a bottom, set of sides and a set of lockable flaps. A set of holders is used for holding magazines, books, cuddly animals, TV remotes and MPEG-1 audio layer 3players, where inside of the box is coated with coating material. The holders are provided on the inside ...
In my pencil-box, there are (有) three pens, two candies and a toy car. I like the toy car. It's cool. But I don't like candies. The candies are my sister's.1. 判断正误 Zhang Peng has a new bag.A.正确B.错误2. 判断正误...
Today, Zhang kunhe in the cell phone, a video, but I would not open mobile web page would be useless, and test several times. Later, she said that using the e-mail sent to me, but I did not mail the mailbox, I do not know what it is. ...
(1)由 Hello,I'm Zhang Peng.I am a Chinese boy.(你好,我是张鹏。我是一个中国男孩。)可知张鹏是一个中国男孩。此处描述正确。故答案为:T。(2)由I have a friend.His name is John.He's from Canada.He has short brown hair and small eyes.(我有一个朋友。他叫
A.Pencil box.B.Pencil box and ID card.C.ID card.9.What's Emma's last name?A.Green.B.Brown.C.Black.10.Whose(谁的) pen is it?A.It's Mr.Zhang's.B.It's Mike's.C.It's Emma's. 试题答案 分析 略 解答 略 点评 略 一题一题找答案解析太慢了下载作业精灵直接查看整书答案解析...
“张博稀”读音为:zhāng bó xī,音调为:阴平(1声)、阳平(2声)、阴平(1声),调型上扬、有轻重变化,抑扬顿挫,有韵律动态美感。其平仄分别为平平平。 笔画 “张博稀”名字的简体笔画为:7-12-12画,繁体笔画为:11-12-12画。 谐音 "张博稀”不存在不好的谐音 ...
从福山路世纪大道到长岛路船舶新村大概路程7.68公里,全程约需29分钟,途经7个站点,途中不换乘,直接到达,换乘车辆线路有地铁6号线。 -公交换乘路线 从福山路世纪大道 约步行258.0米到世纪大道站, 乘坐地铁6号线经过7站,在博兴路站下车; 约步行1009.0米便到达终点长岛路船舶新村。
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