Munich has become the site of a unique concentration of leading experts on vertigo, balance and ocular motor disorders, both in the clinical and basic sciences. Academic structures have paved the way for the creation of an interdisciplinary horizontal network that also allows structured, vertical ...
doi:10.1002/best.200301470No abstract is available for this article.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Beton- und Stahlbetonbau
Es handelte sich um eine Rippenserienfraktur, eine Klavikulafraktur und eine Abrissfraktur eines Processus spinosus lumbal.U. LargiaderM. NuferTh. HotzK. KächDeutsche Zeitschrift fur SportmedizinLargiadr U, Nufer M, Hotz T, Kach K. Teure Trendsportart Inline- Skating: Alarmie...