【3DS】《塞尔达传说 梅祖拉的假面3D The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask》金手指下载,下面为玩家准备了这款游戏的金手指内容,有需要的话赶快来试试吧。 speedfly NTR CFW 游戏ID: 00040000000D6E00(日版) 0004000000125500(美版) 0004000000125600(欧版) v20150808 支持日美欧版1.0+1.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
3DS《塞尔达传说-姆祖拉的假面3d Legend of Zelda, The – Majora's Mask 3D》美版3ds下载,游戏加入了3DS独有的3D效果,游戏对光影和建模进行了重新打造,加入了新的boss rush模式和反转迷宫。游戏中诡异的气氛、奇怪的变身操作和奇异的时间设定。 英文名称:The Legend Of Zelda Majora`s Mask 3D 游戏语言:中文 ...
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Nintendo 64 Game) first released 26th Oct 2000, developed by Nintendo EAD and published by Nintendo.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D Rom is for Nintendo 3DS Roms Emulator. The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask 3D, a remastered and improved Nintendo
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while keeping the game accessible for anyone.” Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said during the announcement. The 3DS remake ofOcarina of Timeincluded a number of minor gameplay tweaks along with a harder Master Quest mode and a boss rush challenge. Presumably the newMajora’s Maskwill include ...
Le prix le plus bas pour The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Ed Spéciale 3DS est 349,90 €. Il s'agit actuellement de l'offre la moins chère parmi 2 magasins. Fonctionnalités Produit Nom du produit The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Ed Spéciale 3DS Caractéris...
Finde das beste Angebot für den Artikel The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (3DS). Klarnas Preisvergleich führt dich zum niedrigsten Preis in der Kategorie Nintendo 3DS-Spiele!
将游戏标记为已购买并将其添加到我的游戏库 改进个性化推荐,并将游戏添加到喜欢的游戏 从列表和搜索中删除该游戏,同时保持价格跟踪 价格变动历史 发售日期 Feb. 13, 2015 历史最低价格 279 kr joystickPlatforms 3DS starRatings 89OpenCriticopen_in_new ...
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D is a remake of an old Nintendo 64 game so that players can have a nostalgic experience. Therefore, the producer has kept the same storyline but added new features. The game will start with Link riding through the forest and being ambushed. He tran...